Connecting Your Email

The SaleFX platform can easily integrate with your email, allowing you to send and receive email within SaleFX.

Adding your Email to SaleFX #

SaleFX will automatically sync any email communication between you and the contacts you have.

  1. Visit the Integrations tab within SaleFX
  2. Select Connect Email
  3. Select your email provider

Using Gmail or GSuite #

Gmail considers regular email programs and backup programs (i.e Hotter, Outlook, etc.) to be “less secure”, so in order for them to get access into your account, your “Allow less secure apps” option must be turned on.

1.. Turning on ‘less secure apps’ settings as mail domain Administrator

        1. Open your Google Admin console (
        2. Click Security followed by Basic Settings.
        3. Under Less secure apps, select Go to Less Secure Settings for Less Secure Apps.
        4. In the subwindow, select the Enforce access to less secure apps for all users radio button
          (You can also use the Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps, but don’t forget to turn on the less secure apps option in users settings then!)
        5. Click the Save button.

2. Turning on ‘less secure apps’ settings as mailbox user

        1. Go to your (Google Account).
        2. On the left navigation panel, click Security
        3. On the bottom of the page, in the Less secure app access panel, click Turn on access
          If you don’t see this setting, your administrator might have turned off less secure app account access (check the instruction above).
        4. Click the Save button.

Once you have enabled access to less secure apps, you can now proceed with filling out your user credentials and submit. You will be presented with an option to Sync emails moving forward, or Sync All Emails.

Using Microsoft or Yahoo Email Accounts #

If you use Microsoft or Yahoo as your email provider, we have an expedited setup process.  Simply select the provider, and enter your basic account information.

All Other Email Providers #

Enter your sign on credentials. Our system will try to automatically determine the IMAP information. If unable, you will be presented with a short form to enter server information. This should be readily available, but you may need to contact your email provider to find this information.

If you need help, feel free to contact us!


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